Things I looked up
- EditorConfig
I’m using Working Copy to work with GitHub on iPad. I no longer have a personal computer, and I’d like to experiment with keeping it that way. I miss having my custom Sublime Text theme. - _drafts | Deploy a Jekyll Site with GitHub Actions (v2) and appleboy/scp-action: GitHub Action that copy files and artifacts via SSH.
Since I no longer have a personal computer, I’d like to use the robots on the internet to help build and deploy this site.
I setup Netlify to deploy my site, and it worked very well. Point-and-click setup. I missed having an actual server though, and will continue to use the Digital Ocean droplet that I have.
I tested using GitHub Actions to build and deploy my site. So far, it works as expected, and isn’t very sophisticated.
Things I did
- Copy and paste code into a GitHub actions yaml file.
- further automate deployments
- Work on domain.
went out of date pretty quickly.